Tuesday 25 April 2017

Lessons from a hospice nurse: Alia Indrawan at TEDxUbud

The survivor then senses what happened to their life and judges it. Commonly, the survivors feel reluctant on going back to the world of living. Survivors cannot sense any time or anything that would restrict them from going wherever they want.

There are significant psychological effects of these near-death experiences to the survivors. According to Dr. P.M.H. Atwater (People are dramatically Changed by NDEs), here are some the psychological effects which can also be somewhat referred to enlightenment or spiritual awakening:

Sunday 21 June 2015

Why Residual Income Formula Is So Important Today

  Why Residual Income Formula Is So Important Today


The simple definition of residual income formula is an income where you get paid over and over for doing your work one time. In the past, it has been an income strategy only a handful of professions provided.
Today the Internet is making it possible for anyone to create residual income if they go about it right. Based on today's economy, and the uncertainty of the future, everyone would be smart to develop at least one residual income stream

Did you know that if you had a monthly income of $5K coming in every month, that did not require you to work to get it, that would be equal to having $1 Million Dollars in the bank drawing 6% interest? 

Most of us will never save $1 million dollars, but we can all create a residual income of $5 thousand dollars a month with a little hard work and the help of the Internet!

So how can you create a residual income using the Internet?

1. Network marketing is a business model where you get paid on the efforts of others as well as the efforts of yourself. This is achieved through leveraging your time and duplicating your efforts. 

Building a downline of distributors is how this is done. You may only have 20 hours a week to invest into your network marketing business, but if you had a downline of 10 people who also had 20 hours a week your business now has over 200 hours a week being invested into it. 

This is a very powerful concept and the larger your downline becomes the more money you can make. Building a large network marketing business can be done all over the world and the Internet can help you do it with your own Website and follow-up system online. 

2. Affiliate marketing is another business model where you can develop a residual income. Specifically 

2-tier affiliate marketing allows you to recruit a front line of sales people who earn you commissions whenever they make sales. 

This works well for people who like to network with other Internet workers. Social networking is great for this as it allows you to meet people who have similar interests of your own and you can turn that into a large sales force and potential residual income

That is just two examples of how you could create a residual income for yourself on the Internet today. Network marketing and 2-tier affiliate marketing programs are easily within the reach of anyone willing to work! 

Look at this example of Affiliate marketing >>>> Markethive

Saturday 22 March 2014

10 Myths About Starting Your Own Business

 10 Myths About Starting Your Own Business

Many solo entrepreneurs believe certain things about starting their own business that is just not true. Continuing to believe in these myths can lead you down the path to destruction. Here are some of them:

•Since I’m just working for me, there is no need for a business plan. Would you go on a trip without a plan? Would you get married without a plan? Plans are good. They will help you get focused and stay that way. A good business plan will help you to think through all the aspects of your business and see you on your way to success.

•I’ll have to invest in expensive software to get a good business plan. Nope. The software may help, but you don’t need it. How do you think all those businessmen succeeded before the invention of the computer?

•Then I’ll need to hire a consultant to write my business plan for me. You are the one who knows what you are going to do. If not, then all the consultants in the world can’t help you. Try a coach or mentor to guide you, rather than do things for you.

•I should get one of those business plans templates that sound really complicated. Complicated is good, right? Wrong! Simple is better.

•I need to have everything perfect before I start. If you wait that long you may never start. Fix it as you go. Just make sure the major points are as good as they can be.

•If I don’t do everything my business plan says I’m a failure. Sometimes detours or changes can be beneficial to your long-distance plan. Don’t sweat the small stuff.

•My business plan must be typed, at least 50 pages long with a professional looking cover. You can write it in hieroglyphics on the wall – so long as you can understand it and access it when you need to.

•I only need a business plan if I’m getting a loan. Would you invest in any business without seeing a prospectus? You’ll be investing in this one! Just do a budget and run it by your accountant.

•If I have a business plan in my head - that will do. But can you remember it? Can your friends give you advice by reading your mind? Can your accountant?

•Friends and family are all I’ll need to give me advice. Could a city man tell a farmer how to run his farm? Only if your family are accountants and market research experts will they be qualified to give the right advice?